Sunday, July 5, 2020


A mystery bird landed on one peanut feeder, while a sparrow paused to observe me and my 'lil pink box' from another. Was it a jay? -

A woodpecker!! A juvenile greater spotted wodpecker to be precise. You can see its coloring better when it flew from pecking at peanut pieces to the fat balls.

It was still June and it was still warm and sunny - but still with Corona restrictions banning|Liz and I from joint hike-chats. I popped back up Swillage Lane and took another solo hike, though truth to tell I am getting fed up of my own company and will be glad when Liz and I can go hiking together again. Way up over the fields was a bird of prey....

After some observation, I determined it to be a red kite, based mostly on its tail shape and color. My final shot for today's post is of Goggles taken on my way home. This time, he was you can only see the neck!


  1. I hope it becomes safe enough to relax the restrictions soon.

    I love that very tall picture of the bird of prey.

  2. me too...i'm dying to get out somewhere fun for a relaxing hike with Liz.
