Saturday, January 1, 2022



Next, we passed the Trumpeter swans. Once again, they were too busy preening to take notice of me - or Liz.

Their enclosure is so much smaller than their old one - and they looked a bit bored and fed up. I am wondering why they were moved, seeing as their old lake with the tree studded island is 'empty' of anything apart from mallard. In fact, there were 3-4 areas that seemed to be empty of any species apart from mallard or canada goose.

In the woodland hide, we spotted 2 female or juvenile pheasants and a water rail! Alas, only one of my 3 photos came out at all, if blurry.

We took the boardwalk through the reedbeds and Liz walked right past this moorhen that I spotted. It was lazily dozing....although it did condescend to nibble a few weeds shortly after we passed.

We then came upon Orangetag and Silvertag and their trio of cygnets. We did not stop long, as Liz likes to trot onwards, but we were there long enough for me to take a couple of shots,

Liz and I spent a chilly winter's day in Shoreham - so we trekked the Widewater lagoon to begin with and spotted a cormorant.

Then we came across a group of teal.


  1. Maybe the park is in the process of moving all the different types of birds around, and they're just not finished yet, and that's why some places look empty.
