Sunday, May 1, 2022



On our return along the canal into Chichester, I took more pictures - including of a pair of swans building their 2022 nest.

...and a diving grebe.

It surfaced as it swum across the canal, for a better shot or two.

On our next outing, Liz and I trekked over Highdown Hill. A couple of people were staring at some pale greyish birds and on noting this we saw a pair of skylarks standing on the grassland!

The people did not seem to know if they were or were not skylarks - but Liz and I knew.

I took several shots so as to be sure to get at least one good one - I hoped.

However, one of my better shots was on our post coffee/gardens descent of the hill, when we spotted another skylark.

The skylark is an increasingly rare birds in the UK, and it is only karma/luck that has me living in such close proximity to a multitude of them.


  1. Wow, that last picture of the skylark in the field with the house in the background is amazing.

  2. i would have preferred a close up....but....
