Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Here again is the baby robin that appeared in the garden early April.

As you can se the zoom feature on my current camera sucks. If you go close distorts.

Here it is encountering a sparrow.

Without a zoom, it comes out much clearer, but too small. I used to have a better camera, but they don't make Fujifilm compact digitals any more. Other brands don't have the same features or quality, though.

That was the last baby robin piccie for that session - but just to bore you with baby robin pics, I took this shot on my work phone. Well actually...two shots.

This shot is the first from a recent trip to Pagham Harbor that Liz and I made in April. You cannot see much other than a field and trees perhaps? But somewhere there was a marsh harrier - that elusively avoided the camera.

I took a whole bunch of shots though, as I had never seen one so close before. In fact there were more than one - 3, possibly 4, in total. In today's final snap you can just see a brown blob near the middle tree perhaps?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely see the brown blob in the last picture. I also see some dark spots in the branches on the right side of the tree that might be birds, but I'm not sure.
