Monday, August 22, 2022



I did not take as many pictures while strolling round with Lisa as I generally do when alone or with Liz, but I still got a few of the Bewicks.

The three teenagers and Mr Bewick were rambling ab out their lake area, but Mrs Bewick was guarding her nest.

The greylag goslings were almost teenage, at least in the first family we came across of three. Next we came upon a mystery family...

It appeared to be a collection of youngsters, but with one parent a canada goose and the other a greylag.... Maybe a mixed species family, or maybe a fill-in parent or maybe....who knows!

Back to my back yard, and here is a parent great tit... there was also a baby great tit...being fed and fluttering about the bushes with its parent.

I circled them as they didnt show clearly.

Lastly for today, a baby goldfinch and its parent visited my feeder poles. In fact, baby goldfinches, great tits, sparrows, blue tits, even possibly a greenfinch are all busy eating my stock.... rapidly. I have to refill some tubes twice daily to keep up with them!


  1. I love that picture of the pond. The mixed-species family is also interesting. I wonder how often that happens.
