Tuesday, October 3, 2023



The first picture for todays post is taken on my next trip out with Liz at Brooklands, showing a bunch of cormorants. The next shot was a zoom in on the birds...but my garbage camera couldnt focus itself properly.

It did manage to take a good picture of a foursome teenage coots with mommy looking on from afar.

The young might already have learned to stare at humans in case they are given crumbs insted of cameras....or they may just be curious.

Here we are with another shot of the cormorants.

...and again.

Next we stumbled upon a bunch of birds - including some pigeons. There seemed to be a mixed flock of city pigeon and show pigeon, which pleased me.

Of course, my camera could not cope with taking a decent shot close up, sigh.

1 comment:

  1. I love that view of the pond, especially that little island for the cormorants.
