Tuesday, October 3, 2023



We are still with the mixed pigeon flock at Brooklands for the first photo in todays' bog post.

One of the white show pigeons seemed to stare at me more than the others.

This was supposed to be a sot of a grebe - but it dived down as the camera focussed. (curses camera)

Got it!! but the camera blurred it. I do wish it wouldnt TRY to focus; I wish the darn machine would just take 'as is' pictures rather than attempt to correct what does not need correcting.

The cormorant showed off....well sunned off.

Of course, I was soon back to taking pigeon pics - especially as one seemed to stare at me...as if to recognise me, perhaps.

Maybe it was one of my former garden stock come back in a new body....

I do like pigeons, sigh....


  1. That cormorant looks like he's standing on the back of a whale or a submarine or something.

  2. not sure what it is...maybe the airator?
