Tuesday, October 3, 2023



Waiting inside the WWT til someone appeared, I hung with swans and pelicans...waiting on phone messages. There was one contact somewhere in Arundel, but not here ar WWT, and 2 AWOL who were on their way but silent....

Finally the two in transit arrived and I met them whilst awaiitng on the one in town but not here yet to arrive and we began to walk round together..

We went past the pelicans and aviary and onto the enclosure with Nenes and magpie geese....

Then onto the Trumpeter swans.....

One of my pals was game to be a bird for a picture.....

The other somewhere in Arundel friend was collected/met in the foyer and we began to trot round the reserve once more...this time finally making it to the boardwalk. What did I see but a show pigeon! A little concerned....it seemed to be either young or unwelll....and bird flu is present in our area.....it didnt leave the boardwalk when we went really close....if only I had had my lil pink camera, sigh...a perfect shot would have occcured.

We had walked almost all round the reserve and were back to the bewicks near the start/end, as the final member of our meet-up announced that they had now arrived....so we headed back to the cafe/foyer to meet them after a quick detour to the sand martin hide with no sand martins...whilst the guys got hungry and ate some blackberries en route.

Finally, for todays' post , prior to all of us meeting up at the cafe.... - a VIDEO HERE - of the bewicks.

1 comment:

  1. There we go. Humans getting organized. They have to learn to flock together, like the birds. 😀
