Sunday, September 6, 2015


As always, without the silver eye, I do not think it is a jackdaw - but as usual, I could not tell if it is a rook, raven, crow, or some other 'big black bird' that I saw at Lancing. Whatever it was, another one was hanging out at the picnic tables...

Before continuing with the tale of my latest excursion, I will tell you about an incident that occurred this morning - the morning that I am writing this post rather than posting it.

Early September had arrived and I was in the kitchen pottering about with a coffee when a fluttering occurred. A young blackbird flew in the front door - which I had open at the time for fresh air - and flew about the kitchen trying to get thru the window. Naturally I ensured it got out, after its panic and failed attempts - by catching it and holding it and putting it to the open window. I then had a mess of black bird poop to clean up... I guess birds get shit-scared too!

Back to the Lancing portion of my recent trip and here is a familiar face to regular readers - Bluey! And another one - Naboo!


  1. I think that's the first time that a bird has come into your house in England. It's too bad he got scared once he was inside.

  2. I dont think it realized it was going indoors til it got there. if it was one of the older birds, it might have been more cautious and looked inside then walked/hopped inside as the magpies/pigeons first did, but....this one flew right on in and then went 'oooopps!'
