Saturday, November 14, 2015

BIRD NEWS:88 & Calendulas

Back to those dancing pigeons. Here they guys dance!

Of course, they did not dance all the time, and one of the gang soon spotted that I held something 'edible' in my hands and became more interested in me than his friends.

It came parading about in circles, getting closer and closer...then zoned in on a crumb and munched! Meanwhile, its friends were still dancing and courting on the path a little way away...

Whereas the Worthing beach gang have gotten to know me a little, if not well, to these Shoreham dancers, I was a total stranger. I wonder if they will recognize me the next time I pop along...

This friendly, brave one started hanging about after the first crumb or two fell off my lap and it was not long before the others followed suit and came to investigate, also enjoying the meal from the few crumbs I dropped. 

Next time I visit Shoreham, I will take a pot of seed with me, I think...

One of the most-used medicinal herbs in history, calendula has been the stuff of legend, and not just for ailments. In the Middle Ages, it was rumored that if a girl walked barefoot on calendula petals, she would be able to understand the songs of birds. Read more HERE.


  1. I love these pictures, especially the second one. That's what I'd look like if I tried to dance: A flapping bird. :D

  2. Yeah, they amused me too - a lot more animated than the Worthing beach gang!
