Thursday, November 26, 2015

BIRD NEWS:90 and a video

Well, Ditty was back soon after MR Black left - but I still could not get a decent shot. I got even worse shots of Magster the magpie, due to the increased wind - and not being close enough. I simply cannot take good photos while the tree branches are swishing and swaying as fast as they go, nor while standing too far back to rest my elbows on the sill.

Maybe I should learn to control the shutter speed on my little camera and try to get better pictures - BUT - part of me enjoys the wavy blurred look the windswept photos show anyway...

This shot of Ditty for example is artsy if not 'properly shot'. I like it that way - although I dislike the next shot I took of her. Updating you on the November birds of the yard - very little changed until this morning. The weather has been wet and windy on and off for a week or so, but until this morning not cold. This morning the colder weather brought the birds ASKING for food again - so I may have some company for a few weeks, now.

HERE is a video of how some birds feel about their partners when they die...


  1. Aw, the poor bird. :( He's so sad and angry and doesn't want to let her go. :(

    I agree about the pictures. They don't have to be perfect to look cool.

  2. yes, i recall how fluffy went into a corner to hide from his wife Brownie, so as not to upset her, before he died....i had to scoop him up and bring him inside to diet tho - as where he went had a cat. birds have such strong emotions....

  3. People think birds have no feelings, only need to observe them and you'll know better!
