Wednesday, November 4, 2015

BIRD NEWS:86 & Tibetan sky burials

There has not been much happening in the yard lately, as I have already mentioned. I did have a camera on hand to take a few shots while in my coffee room recently though - here is Mr Black in the bird table, for example.

Finally, I went on an excursion again and have managed to collect a few photographs to share. This time, although traveling by 700 bus as usual, I did not stop off in Worthing to capture the beach gang nor Lancing to capture Naboo and Bluey. This trip took me directly into Brighton, where I shopped, before going homewards to Shoreham.

At Shoreham, I stopped off at a French cafe and purchased a take-out coffee and homous/veggie baguette to devour in the small park where they hold the chili festival. Seated and munching/sipping, I had opportunity to take several photos. Firstly this group of seabirds...

...& some gulls. The gulls being less interesting, I took the aim back to the trio of aquatic birds and shot a few more snaps.

There is a Tibetan sky burials article HERE - (inc. vultures).


  1. That's an interesting practice. I'd also prefer being recycled than being buried in a box.

  2. Totally agreed - if it were lega;l in England, it would be my preference too - to donate my left overs to birds would be so much more worthwhile than getting burnt or buried and having people throw flowers over me in some church parkland.
