Friday, November 20, 2015


After I finished my meal at the riverside park, I pottered along to the toilet block before catching the bus home. Guess what I spotted on a roof in a side road - yes, MORE pigeons!!

Well, that does October - what lies ahead in the next month, I wonder...

November began and was just as mild as October. This is the second year in a row we have had late/mild winters, which is good for the birds and for most humans - though maybe not all gardeners who hope the hard frosts and snow to will kill the weeds! We entered the second week of the month and I managed to have my camera on hand and spot a bird at the same time - Ditty.

Ditty was standing on top the bird table eyeing the area tentatively, waiting to approach a land in the seed area and munch...

Alas, by the time I had checked my bubbling pan on the stove and pie in the oven, Ditty had vanished...

...a day or so later, Mr Black was in much the same position, however I did not get a very clear shot of him on the table, nor later on at the bird bath...


  1. That first picture is interesting. The pigeons look like prison guards. :D

  2. that is probably the barbed yeah, they do look like they re on duty though... they must hang local as i have once passed by and seen a woman throw seed on the side-road/driveway for them...

  3. That's nice that somebody is feeding them. :)

  4. yes, i know where to look next trip!!
