Saturday, June 10, 2017


One last picture from my late April Arundel excursion - showing a lone eider swimming about in the cafe-side lake. Back home, Bubster Pidge was on the windowsill, not bothering to fly away when I went to smell my birthday flowers!

The young pigeon I recently encountered has a sibling. I have begun to spot both together at times around the yard, such as depicted above on the fence next door - and here is one teenager learning about the stone bird bath.

It was not long of course before the thought of food came across the youthful pair. Several of the larger birds, such as jackdaws and one silly or lazy starling, have learned to stand on the feeder pole perch and bite at the suet balls. Here we see a young pigeon attempt to copy the feasting activity....firstly, landing back to front, then awkwardly turning around. I am pleased to report that after a few misses, it began to sucessfully get a few beak nibbles.


  1. Wow, lots of great backyard pictures-- I especially like the tall one of the birdbath.

    This time all the pictures were bigger than my screen except for the one of the pigeons on the fence, which was small.

  2. yes, finally shared some more yard photos - i seem to go out more than when i started to write my blog and only had back yard pictures!
