Tuesday, July 11, 2017


The answer is YES to anyone wondering if the goose family actually entered the toilets or not - as you can see! Next there are 'blobs in the sky' - which were supposed to be a buzzard flying overhead - but too high to get a good shot on my camera.

The boat stopped near a nesting mute swan to make observations. Although very common in South England, when nesting they are are less often in view. The swan was pondering how best to take care of its eggs - having sat on them for 4 of the 5 weeks. It was a hot day!

Moving along, I went to observe how the Bewick swans were going with their nest this year. Last year it was abandoned - no cygnets. This year...

...there was something fluffy and gray sitting next to mom! Yes, this year at least one cygnet hatched and survived! Probably the first of the bunch, as mommy swan is still sitting on the rest. On my next visit, I hope to count the cygnets.


  1. Great shots of the nesting swan. I hope there are more cygnets.

  2. i never found out - they have been moved.... :(

  3. i dont know why. sometimes the birds are moved to different places on the reserve or taken to other reserves or set free in the wild. I visited again yesterday and they are back - in their former hoime the other side of the path now - though where they were in between i dont know!

  4. I'm glad they're back. Maybe they just got taken to be checked out by a vet or something.

    1. i would have thought the vet'd have come to the reserve, but.....
