Tuesday, July 11, 2017


I wandered along to check on the trumpeter swans after the bewick swans. Last year they had a brood that vanished about a year after birth - assumedly to populate other reserves or be set free and to encourage the parents to have more...

Alas...both parents were off nest and no fluffy cygnets were in sight. It is their turn not to have any this year - so maybe next year it will be their turn again and the Bewick swans will rest for a year. Next, I was observing the reedbeds when POP! There was a bird in the reeds... I took a few pictures in the hope of identifying it on the computer - but it did not come out large enough to do this.

Next, an info board about young Mallard ducks - and a shot of the real thing - mommy duck with young.

Finally, for today's post - some more information; this time on moorhens.


  1. I love the shots of the mystery bird out there in the reeds, especially the wide one. I guess he's just a shy bird.

  2. most reed birds are difficult to see in close up - maybe i need binoculars instead of a camera!!

  3. Since I started using my new telephoto lens on my Canon, I've been able to get great shots of birds and animals. Maybe you could get something like that.

  4. i just have a basic point and shoot digital....but with a high megapixel count and double zoom.
