Saturday, July 22, 2017


This pair of mallards and smew look content in the green waters on this warm summery day. Some of the lakes waters seemed to be a bit too green in places though - the sunshine bringing on the algae.

A trio of magpie geese caught my attention next. Back at the lake, I rested for a cuppa - relaxing and watching general water life, wondering where all the eider ducks had gone to...

This fellow decided to watch me - and my coffee mug, as if the china item and black liquid were food it could munch if it looked hungrily towards me.

As I left the wetlands reserve and walked through Arundel, I caught sight of more birds - this time on flags!

Back home, I had a visitor that has occasionally popped in this past year - the local woodpecker.


  1. Wow, that closeup of the white bird is amazing.

    The bird flag is cute. It reminds me of how children sometimes misunderstand the words to the Pledge of Allegiance: "I led the pigeons to the flag...."

  2. Thanks - I rather liked it too - but i like to post a mix of good and character shots - not JUST great pics - more interesting. yes, i thought i had out my camera away for the day - then walked past the flags lining a fence...or wall...
