Friday, July 20, 2018


Depicted above munching peanuts, is a juvenile blue tit. Next up, the sparrows doing their acrobatics display.

It has been very busy in the yard until the past couple of days. A neighbor saw a red kite flying overhead at the back of us, so maybe the smaller birds have hidden away - and that pigeon-murdering black furball has been hiding in the shrubbery, too...

I did manage to spot a larger bird come flying in to snatch and eat a few peanuts while washing my allotment crops on the first Sunday morning in July, though. This jay seems to be a regular now, as I spotted it the day before too!

It now appears to be a daily visitor - if the black pigeon-murdering furball isn't lurking about, it is gobbling through a half tube peanuts a day!


  1. Aw, I thought the cat had found new hunting grounds. Maybe the jay will peck him a couple of times and send him away.

  2. i wish...but there hardly seems to be a bird in the yard these days - i have a tamish pigeon that sits in the tree and looks at me - sometimes at 5-6am - and waits for seed - and a robin who comes to the sill knpowing i wont harm it - but its only my windowsill they feel safe at now.

  3. Maybe there's a way to keep the cats away. I posted a link in the Garden Thread with ideas to keep away squirrels for Cayla-- some of the ideas, like the dog hair, might work for cats, too.
