Thursday, February 21, 2019


The water rail was still strolling about the Trumpeter enclosure snacking in the lawns. I took a few more shots before moving on - just in case my earlier samples did not come out properly.

The young Bewicks were munching luncheon as I walked past, nearing the end of my late January excursion.

While that was the last photo taken at WWT, I took 3 more on my way back into Arundel town before taking the bus home. I spotted a group of seagulls perched in an interesting arrangement and had to take a couple of shots as I walked by.

The last shot I took before returning home was of a pair of grey heron - also in the field behind the ditch in which cows sometimes munch.


  1. I love that shot of the seagulls all perched on the little fence or gate or whatever it is.

  2. yes i thought it rather cute also - which is why i took a couple of pictures. i think its some kind of farm gate as they sometimes have cattle in the fields as well as wild birds.
