Saturday, July 27, 2019


I zoomed in on the woodpecker, eager to get a good shot so I could identify which species it was, and it flew behind the trunk - my shot did capture a tit watching though. I tried again...

Well, it was in the picture - just - but still not clear enough to distinguish which of the woodpecker families it was. I thought I had seen a bit of red on the head, but not gotten a good enough shot to tell for sure - yet. I tried again...and again....

Ah there we go, but oh no - another blue tit instead shot followed! Was that enough to make a positive identification? In case not, I took a few more shots...

Ah there we go! This is a specimen of the great spotted woodpecker family!! Of course, I had no idea if my pictures were coming out or not - so I kept on taking them, hopefully...

HERE is an article about wild gardens - and the birds that inhabit them. 


  1. I can definitely see that he's a redhead. Was he making that rat-a-tat-tat sound?

  2. they only do that when pecking at a tree - not when eating food.
