Thursday, March 5, 2020


3 gulls begin todays post, assumedly a family as one was a youngster. Next, a redshank encountered a blackhaeded gull.

Reflecting back to when I went through Worthing, prior to arrival at Shoreham, I wondered if I might see another pied wagtail. I had a short wait at Worthing before the bus moved on and spotted one on the sidewalk - alas, despite their being some at Widewater Lagoon, I didn't spot any on my current trip - so that bird eluded my camera.

I left the lagoon, sighting little else of interest and progressed along the coast towards Worthing. I spotted a few crows as I got nearer to Lancing. I left Lancing for Worthing, and passing Brooklands tried to take a shot of the birds on the lake...

...alas cars kept getting in the way. I waited for ages it seems. They used to have coot, moorhen, swan, duck, gull....Today it looked mostly like gulls, though.

Back to the beach crows for my next shot...

My last shot for the day was taken in East Wothing as I approchaed town center along the coast. I managed to capture a seagull and a crow both astride human creations, the other side of the highway to the beach.


  1. Ah, another spaceship. :D I love the shot of the lake without the cars. Did you see my pole-sitting seagull at ReNext?

  2. you spot spaceships everywhere - that one looks like a coffee-deck for waterproof drinkies. Not yet - i have only just gotten round to having spare time for online things - i have been out twice this weekend.

  3. I do seem to see spaceships everywhere. :D
