Saturday, March 28, 2020


My next excursion was a solo run to Chichester & Bognor and one of the first things I did - in case it rained later on - was grab a coffee and head for the canal. I had not walked more than a few hundred meters before my camera came out to grab shot of the cormorants.

There was one on the jetty and another further along in the canal-side vegetation. Both were busy searching for food - though the first spotted me and glanced my way as well as into the water. The second was too busy preening and fishing.

This piece of artwork has iron birds depicted in the wingos of a butterfly. I also managed to capture a coot in the water beyond. This coot and pair of mallards must have thought I had food - as they came over to see me - sorry guys, I had a camera and that's not edible!

An entourage of coots had the same idea not much further along. She has food for US, they thought - alas, little pink clickable boxes are not lunch, you guys! That's right mate - food's thattaways...

Finaly for today, HERE is a video of the birds in the next stretch - mostly of the coots.


  1. That iron butterfly is pretty impressive. :D

  2. its interesting...a butterfly and birds in one is cool
