Friday, October 14, 2022



We came upon the trumpeter swans. Next, we walked along the boardwalk and spotted a mucky mallard.

We arrived at the Bewicks - unsure if we would find last years trio of teens, or the parents and this years brood.

The latter was what we discovered.

Orangetag and Silvertag were casually parading and swimming about their enclosure with 3 new cygnets to show off.

Here are Mr Orangetag Bewick...

& Mrs Silvertag Bewick.

The new signage was amusing - Orangetag was not grumpy today....

HERE is something you might like to listen to.


  1. I wonder what the life span of Bewicks are. It seems like that same mom and dad have been around for a long time.

  2. no...this pair of parents had their first brood last year, this is only their second. the original bewicks had 2-3 broods before this pair.
