Saturday, October 15, 2022



We walked across a field then I spotted a message on a tree a little way into the field. We had to go to read it...

Stork nest - we had to look, even if we couldnt go closer!

Well, two nests in one tree....but alas, no stork! We had seen a stork flying down into the trees shortly after arrival however, also we had at least seen one today.

My final shot from Knepp Park was a close up shot of the nests. We saw a lot more wildlife, but apart from too-far-away- buzzards, nothing worthy of the camera AND feathered. We saw two species of deer - fallow and red - and wild pig, wild longhorn cattle, etc....but no other birds of note.

My next excursion was to WWT but with Tamuka not Liz. We spotted the usual assortment of birds and he was fascinated that ducks stuck their whole head underwater at times, let alone some that dived. Here is a goose that was as interested in us as he was in the waterfowl.

The avocet and merganzer were lazing in the aviary, now reopened.

This jackdaw thought it was too hot!


  1. I wonder why the storks are in the Forbidden Zone. Are they dangerous to people, or do they have new babies?

  2. forbidden to visitors for their own protection and security....they seek privacy
