Sunday, March 11, 2018


Continuing our end of February photos of the back yard, I managed to catch the wren's tail (below feeder pole) as well as the blackbird in this shot. The female blackbird was munching crumbs nearby...

One last shot of the male on the bird bath. Later in the day I saw robin, blackbird and pheasant when out wandering around Highdown Gardens with Liz - but as it was a surprise trip - our original intention being to grab supplies and have coffee at the garden center - I had no camera.

We wandered around after sighting the former two, and I spotted bird prints - a big bird - we actually saw the pheasant which made the tracks when rounding the corner, although we didn't spot the fox or rabbits whose prints we also saw.

HERE and HERE and HERE are links to two unusual birds that I have not as yet encountered and the rook, which I have.
March began, and we had another light load of snow - instead of the heavy fall promised. It was enough to bring out our song thrush though.


  1. It's so unusual seeing snow in your pictures. I wonder what the birds think of it. Too bad you couldn't get any pictures at Highdown Gardens.

  2. it only seems to bother the birds when there is a lot of snow - not a dusting like we had this year - whe it covers the ground for 2-3 days or longer, then they get starvingly attracted to the berries amnd feeder pole!
