Sunday, March 18, 2018


As we strolled along, we spotted a flock of ducks flying overhead and wondered at first what type they were...I took a photo for later identification, although it was decided they were shelducks when they flew a little nearer.

The above bird is most likely to be a redshank. It does appear to have the orange legs, unlike the former pictured bird from my last post. Liz has checked the photos out since and has confirmed it to be a redshank. In order to help me establish which birds we had seen on our excursion, I took a photo of one of the identification boards that we passed on our ramble.

We definitely saw the top three, along with a redshank or two, a group of mallard, and minimal starling activity - and we might have seen a wheatear as well.

My next excursion was back to WWT Arundel. On my way there, I took two shots of a mute swan from the footbridge. From my next shot, regular readers will know I am at the cafe looking out over the eider lake - and yes, I was sipping coffee before my trek around the reserve, although on this trip I had almost finished my drink before going outside due to it raining.

My first post at a new-to-me writing website concerns the starling - you can read it HERE.


  1. I love the picture of the lonely little redshank in the pond.

  2. Agreed - another first sighting for me.
