Sunday, April 8, 2018


The answer to the question in my former post is the Nene - AKA Hawaiian goose. Onto a favored subject of mine and a favored spot for them to perch as this is the third time I have photographed pigeons in this tree top.

Back to the eiders again! The above is the female eider duck and below the male. I was just wandering around for 10-20 minutes prior to strolling slowly down the tree lined avenue towards my bus stop...

Back home and despite the colder weather, not much activity seems to be going on in the back yard. This starling was pecking up a few pieces, but otherwise, a pair of blue tits are nesting in the nesting box, the occasional blackbird or robin sighting and not much else is happening.

I decided to go for a walk on the penultimate week in March and chose to hop up Highdown Hill - to stroll the spring garden flowers and hopefully catch some skylark photos. before doing either, as I began to trail the track towards the base of the hill, this robin sung so loudly - I took its picture. I then tried to take a photo of the skylark...