Sunday, April 15, 2018


Alas, my skylark photos were failures compared to those I managed 3-4 years ago. It was pleasant to hear them accompany me throughout most of my excursion though. They sung to me from much the start of my trek, just past the robin from my last post, until I descended and reached the same spot again.

This shot was taken in the gardens themselves - of a blackbird enjoying the spring flowers. My final shot from that visit was supposed to be of a pair of pigeons rambling through a farm field - but the focus went onto the hedgerow and the wood pigeons became a blurr amidst the green crop. You may just see one dead center and the other a little to the right and higher than the first - as gray blobs. Luckily, regular readers will know what wood pigeons look like by now anyway!

This small brownish bird almost lost amongst the spring green field is a skylark. I was on my way across the PYO fields to catch a bus to Brighton on the final Saturday in March when I caught sight of a couple of skylarks hovering around and saw one land nearby.... It might not be a great shot - but it is better than the ones I took last week!

Above are two more shots - showing the bird for those unable to see, and as best a shot as I got on this excursion. It was a lucky shot altogether, because I was not expecting to take any photos, just go shopping for new shoes and Indo-Asian groceries.

In my next post is a totally unexpected pair of photos. I was still crossing the PYO fields to the bus stop, when I saw two birds flying across the field. I have never seen this particular bird in this location before, and usually I see them swim or waddle - not fly. Can anyone guess what I saw before my next post is posted?