Friday, April 20, 2018


Onwards we move to the next group of swans - the trumpeter swans. The adult pair posed sweetly for my camera - no sign of a new brood as yet though. Talking of swans, the next nest-board I came across talked of the type of nest swans make.

Another nest-board was come across before I ambled on to the next photo opportunity. I have a robin at home, and often pass them when out hiking locally, in the woods, parkland, lanes, or on the hill. Here is another of these friendly fellows just posing as if for a Christmas card.

Another brightly colored bird was in sight at the woodland hide - a male pheasant. Its colors were vivid and glossy today, so I took rather a lot of pictures trying to capture them - alas, none of my shoots do him justice.

The colors so bright through binoculars, show only shaded and forlorn in photograph, but perhaps you can glimpse an idea of how they might appear, if somewhat brighter than in my pictures. My last shot of the day comes the closest to capturing the colors precisely - the pallid greys, shimmering underbelly, chestnuts, tan and rust - with the bright red facial patch and glimmery neck.


  1. Another gigantic picture. I thought the pheasant pics came out great. What a beautiful bird.

  2. yes they are lovely - i just wrote an article about them to post at that site that pays in bitcoin...that will be up soon.
