Thursday, January 3, 2019


My next sightings were from one of the hides and include a grey heron and the arrival of the shelducks, who migrate here in the colder months of the year.

I moved on to the Trumpeter swan lake and spotted my two pals - miles away near their island. Often, they will also come over, just like the young Bewick swan - but not today.

Well, the day was indeed mostly dark and cloudy - but I had long since left the reserve by 3-30 on this occasion. I had arrived in town at 8-50am, taken a 45-50 minute trot along the river bank from the museum to WWT cut thru and spent 2 hours strolling round the reserve after a large hot black americano - somehow, I managed to pop into 2 charity stores, the co-op in Arundel and catch a bus home, arriving at just after 2pm.

I wandered along to the woodland area lookout and woodland hide and as the feeders were back - so were the birds. Above you can spot a young goldfinch and a coal tit. Below, you can find a great tit.

And there is a blue tit - hiding in the tree observing - ready to swoop in, grab food, and disappear.

Finally for today - HERE is the link to a bird game. (I am apparently a chaffinch!!)


  1. I am a Blue Tit. I guess that means I should swoop in, grab some food, and disappear. :D

  2. it means you would be very much at home on my bird feeder pool - we have a bluetit that comes and munches peanuts every day.

  3. so do the bluetits, greattits, jays, etc...
