Friday, January 4, 2019


You can see here that the Black-necked swans are back again - in their former haunt. I had wondered where they had been placed since their vacation in the Trumpeter enclosure. If you recall on my arrival and coffee-sipping, I saw a flight of pigeons? Well here is another of their roosting spots...

It is fairly close to the feeding station - where you can see yet another mute swan, some ducks, geese, jackdaw...

Next, we encounter a mystery. As I took my first stroll round, I spotted a newish construction, possibly only partially built, erected near the 'Sussex Hide' where I rarely venture as nothing but wasps seems to be sighted there. I will give this as a question - WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS STRUCTURE IS? I have absolutely no idea, as yet, myself - but expect to find out within the next few months!

Oh, hello Mr Jackdaw! Being a pigeon lover, I just had to take a shot or two of the gang at the cafe-side lake feeding station!

As you might notice, there are also a lot of Canada geese. Apparently, their excess presence is becoming a nuisance - there are too many of them flown in and competing for the food and lodging given to the residents. I know no furhter details to the problem than that Liz mentioned the staff had been trying to discourage them from accumulating due to their massive number.

As I strolled on the second - now anticlockwise - leg of the visit, you may see that darkness and clouds were the weather of the day. I thought to take advantage of the dismal gloom and get a moody shot....


  1. I love that moody shot! I also love the picture of the roosting spot (with the spaceship at the bottom) and the one at Sussex Hide.

    My guess is that it is some kind of shelter or feeding location to lure more birds to Sussex Hide, since there are not many there now.

  2. we will have to wait and see - i will have a snoop on my next visit!
