Sunday, January 27, 2019


The Trumpeters were as curious about me as I was of them, as often is the case with the swans at Arundel. By the time I exited the nearby hide however, they had forgotten me and decided it was time for lunch.

The next hide gave me a chance to observe pochards, greylag geese, and shelduck, among other varieties of waterfowl.

Next, it was time to visit the Bewick swans. Curious-kid stared at me then went back to doze when he realized it was only me. A sibling seemed little more impressed or alarmed, and also dozed on. In fact, all 4 youngsters took very little notice of me, three of them dozing and one drinking.


  1. I wonder if they recognize their own reflections.

  2. not sure....i think either magpies or pigeons do - but not sure about swans.
