Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Mommy sparrow is teaching baby sparrow that my bedroom windowsill is a great place to eat seed - and how to serve itself...

Sparrows were not the only youngsters around. Over the second half of May, a great tit family have been frequenting the feeder pole a few times a day. Here you can see them munching lunch. Also, a jay has been visiting recently - taking peanuts from the feeder and munching them in the branches above.

The jay also comes once or twice a day and has been sighted several times over the latter half of the month. So, although there are not as many starlings this year, we have activity at home.

& HERE is some news from Arundel.


  1. I love the pictures of the birds on the windowsill. :D

    Great news about the ducklings. They look like they're posing for their class picture. :D

  2. yes its great have young birds about - they havent learned to fly away from humans get to know me up close for a few days/weeks... some stay tame and some dont
