Sunday, November 22, 2020



Here is one of the coots that decided to watch me as I watched the birds on the lake. I took another picture of the multiple species on the isle.

That brings us to the end of my final birding hike for the month of October 2020, but not to my final photo. At home, I have had much activity on the feeder poles - recently, mostly the suet balls, peanuts and mixed seed have been going down rapidly. On the windowsill in my bedroom, a magpie has joined the usual crowd - of Pidge, Mr Bob and Mr Black.

Whilst not as tame as the others, Mr Madge did not fly away instantly upon spotting me - although he did not stay around very long.

The destination of my next excursion should be obvious to regular readers if they look at my next picture - Goggles the farm goose.

I was off up Dappers Lane and onto Swillage Lane for another woodland walk. Sometimes I go up to the first turning after the peacock house, and sometimes I go much further into the woodland.

On this occasion I was just taking a half hour stroll, so only went a few minutes along before turning around and returning.

I spotted a bird of prey hovering over the fields to my left - it did not look chunky enough to be a buzzard, but I could not tell if it were a red kite or kestrel or newcomer to our area, so had hoped the photograph might tell me... Alas, it did not come out close enough to tell.

I was likewise disappointed by my next photo - I was wondering if it were a blackbird, goldfinch, swallow....but it did not come out large enough to distinguish. However, this was taken after I had turned around and was making my way homewards.


  1. That's cool that the magpie is testing out the window sill. Maybe he'll stick around longer next time.
