Saturday, April 16, 2022



The pheasant was soon joined by more pheasants....and Liz offered it a crumb of cheese and a crumb of lentil chip to see what it would actually fancy. It had spat out the second offering of dry seaweed crisp.

A pair of robins joined the throng in the trees....all as eager to devour our lunch as were we.

There were soon more pheasants than humans eyeing our picnic lunch!! Whilst it was amusing and entertaining and informative - and my first attempt at handfeeding pheasant - it was also somewhat 'hey guys....can I have some of this myself please?'

Pheasant, robin, blue tit, great tit, dunnock.... they all wanted OUR lunch! We agreed that on our next visit to Wakehurst, we would bring some bird seed with us to share so we could eat our own food in total.

At least I got some great pictures of the pheasants...both male and female - in their pretty plumage. The males colorful and showing off, the females a shimmer paisley like brown.

We did of course venture onwards at last....but definitely plan to take bird food along with human food on our next trip to this destination.

Our next trip took us to Warnham nature reserve in Horsham. Firstly, we spotted a cormorant, some tufted ducks, a grebe, some gulls...

EGG facts here for Easter...


  1. Those pheasants are amazing. Big birds with big appetites. :D

  2. yep...only recently have they started to become the next pigeon/gull though.
