Saturday, February 4, 2023



I now have 4 collared doves inhabit my back garden.

...and who does this butt belong to? Yet another bird I have seen recently, that I see most winters.

its the song thrush!!

It could see me, but didnt want to be seen!!

Our next venture took Liz and I to Warnham. It was a frosty winters day early December and the birds were avoiding the middle of the lake which had frozen over.

There were gulls, swan, ducks....but not close by.

Thus we decided was a magpie picking a squirrel drey to bits. We went along to the first hide...

Where I got a really excellent picture of a gray wagtail. You can see him or her stepping around the unfrozen part biting at bugs.


  1. Are the collared doves all adults, or parents with their babies?

  2. i dont know....we will have to wait and see how breeding season changes their activities.
