Sunday, February 12, 2023



Our next trip, Liz and I took her granddaughter Megan to Shoreham. I took this photo of a pair of mute swans gliding a out the lagoon where we parked.

We walked around - along the coast and across the footbridge into Shoreham, expecting a market that was advertised but absent, then coffee at the cafe which was shut... We tried a new cafe which sold fancy coffee -they had almond milk for me, and a shot glass of soda water with your coffee which i approved of, and a cookie. we then progressed towards the estuary to take a walk - stopping to chat to some RSPB volunteers doing a bird count on the high tide. Apparently there were 160 of these snipe.

There was also a heron and lapwing and....well, the heron came out in the picture. The river estuary was as if flooded with the extra high tide, flushing out all the birds into view, hence the counters. It was a lovely accidental surprise to counteract the disappointment of the missing market and cafe.

Although you cannot see the snipe very clearly, they are not often spotted by us and to see so many all at once was amazing.

There were another pair of mute swans further up the river - which if you have read former blogs you my recall is not usually this wide....

They hid their heads....but I can tell you they were mute swans.

Next, we walked along the boardwalk to the fort and back...and I had to take a shot of the pigeons - although they were startled by a dog and walkers just as I was about to take the photo.

As you can see, it was a dark dreary grey they did not show up too well anyways.


  1. That's a great shot of the pigeons in flight. I wonder what happened to the market and the cafe....

  2. cafe was due to staff being overseas on action for a idea why the market was cancelled...maybe it was mislisted?
