Tuesday, August 15, 2023



Liz and I went to Storrington after a trip to the coffee cart for refreshments - then onto RSPB Pulborough Brooks.

My garbagey camera did not take clear photos of the distant birds - it seems everytime I try to get a better camera, I manage to get one thats worse than the last one was.

These were supposed to be of a mommy heron and her 2 youngsters - one laying nearby and the other rambling about, whilst beyond in the waters were a row of 4-5 avocets and what might have been gadwell.

I did manage to catch a shot of the robin who sat on the wooden bar at the edge of the hide, but....I always see robins.

The little fella was determind to have his picture taken!!

Next, I attempted to take photos of a pair of storks we had spotted. Alas, my camera let me down again. You may JUST see a couple of black and white splodges, but....you will have to take my word for it that they were actually storks. This is the first time I have seen storks here - they may have come along to visit from the Knepp Park gang.

At least the info board came out in focus!


  1. Well, the picture of the robin with the view in the background came out really nice.

  2. yes some do,.....but so many more would have on my old pink camera.
