Saturday, April 4, 2015


It is now the final week of March and the activity in the yard is hotting up. Pigeons are squabbling over who 'owns' the tree and feathers are flying - sparrows catching them to build their own nests with. The doves have decided on the golden holly tree between our yard and next door for their nesting site, after checking out various trees in the locality. Busy, busy, busy...

I relaxed, did a spot of gardening which Mr Bob and Mr Black soon 'tidied up' for me on my retreat, and planned a trip to visit those regular-reader familiars Bluey and Naboo. The very first shot I took of Naboo came out much the best, as if Naboo was saying, 'Here, take that darn picture then put that box away, please.'

Naboo then spent a lot of time darting to and fro avoiding good photographs, while Bluey allowed a few shots. If you are wondering why I have not included any pigeon pictures from Worthing, I will let you know that the weather was to blame as well as toilet closure.

It was fairly windy and quite misty, with drizzle showers. This meant that I did not spend too much time on the beach, once I discovered the pigeons were not hanging about there much. The main toilet blocks was closed for refurbishment also, meaning the homeless guys were hanging out at the pigeon shelter where I generally sit and wait for my feathered friends to appear. Whilst I have nothing else against them, they put the pigeons off from hunting in their usual area. I did spot a couple of pigeons the other side of the pier - and put down the seed I had brought along with me, but they were not the usual gang and flew away.


  1. Hopefully the pigeons will be back at the usual spot next time, and not be skittish because of all the strange people that have been hanging out there since the last time they saw you.

  2. Oh they will be back once the toilets are reopened and the homeless popel go to their usual shelter, I am sure - but i am not sure how long they will take to refurbish the toilet block....
