Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Bluey was also mesmerized by Naboo's quick camera-avoiding darting about. However, Bluey settled himself down on his upper perch for a while. Naboo peeped out, as if to say - is that THING put way yet?

Bluey gave up on watching Naboo's camera-avoidance antics and flew down to nibble his cuttlefish, while observing me. Naboo continued to dash about his cage.

Later on, before and after popping down to the base of the cage to retrieve and munch upon a half eaten peanut-in-shell, Naboo did some acrobatics. I did not have my camera out the first session, but the TV was loud and Naboo turned away during the second, giving me the opportunity to sneak my camera out and switch it on - 'beep' - unnoticed. I managed two shots - one poor and one good - before Naboo noticed.

You can see how he was doing the splits - clawed onto two separate items - and then head-rubbing soppily.


  1. Those are a couple of great shots of Bluey. I wonder if your camera has a setting to turn off that beeping sound-- maybe that would confuse Naboo enough so that you can get better pictures of him.

  2. No, the camera always gives a beep when it it first turned on... other things can be adjusted to silent, but not that initital noise.
