Friday, April 24, 2015


Mr Black hangs out by the pond as the second week of April draws to its close. Not long after, he had flown up into the apple tree, however. As you can see, the tree is only just realizing that spring is here, and begining to burst into leaf and blossom, despite our blackbirds being on their second crop of nest building for the year.

No, that is note a puffed up weird looking bird - that is the lump of cheese I popped into the feeding table after a few starlings and other beaks had had a munch! Another popular item in this bird-cafe is my homebaked bread, oozing with fruit, seed, nut, vegetable, grain and cheese.

Now we have entered the third week of April, and amazingly enough spring is still with us. Here is Song munching a chunk of home made bread in the bird table. Moments later, JUST after I had run upstairs to return my camera, Curio sat on the rose arch just outside the kitchen window.

She stared in at me in what would have been a great photo opportunity for a minute or more. However, although I missed that opportunity, I managed to catch her in the tree an hour or so later.


  1. It sounds like the birds really like your bread. Have you thought about selling it to other bird lovers in the area? You might be able to make a little money.

  2. is different every week.i just toss in a bunch of stale flour or buy a bag of bread flour if i am low, and add stale dried fruits, seeds, etc then bake it every 5-7 days! if i kept to one recipe it might be something i could bake and sell, but I don't.

  3. I don't think anyone would care, as long as the birds like it. :D

  4. well....their birds might want the same food regularly, even if my troupe are not so fussed.
