Saturday, August 1, 2015


The usual beach gang guys were busy munching the seed happily. I wonder sometimes how much real food they get and how much is just discarded processed mass produced junk food that we humans are supposed to eat and enjoy.

It was not long before a new member of the gang began coofully strutting about attempting to coo-woo another pigeon. The usual pigeon courting dance began - familiar to those who know pigeons of most varieties. Alas, this time the newcomer was unsuccessful.

It soon decided to try another member of the gang, though and was next spotted chasing after a second beach gang pigeon, while other members munched seed.

The new white one gave up, and came across to investigate what was attracting the other guys to the corner of the shelter where I sat...


  1. Well, if that romantic pigeon runs out of girl pigeons to try, there's plenty of fish in the sea. :D

  2. lol. will have to see if it teams up with one of the gang or not on my next trip
