Friday, August 7, 2015


He came close up, so maybe it will remember that me and seed fit together next time I visit, scheduled for August! Regular readers must be wondering when those Lancing birds will turn up - well, here they are! Bluey and Naboo...

When I first arrived, I could hear Naboo screeching through the window. Among their antics this visit, Naboo rang his bell a few times, chewed his cigarette box, wiped his sticky beak on his bedsheet, and ate grapes and monkey nuts.

Naboo also went soppy in his blanket-bed. Bluey was quiet and peaceful this time, lazing about his cage, nibbling seed on one occasion and millet from a branch on another. It was possibly the weather, which was heavy, if out to sea rather than overhead. While looking through the window, to check the cloud situation - I had not brought a coat with me on this occasion and had much more of the trip to enjoy, including a chili festival and Indian supermarket - I spotted a pigeon! You cannot take me anywhere without me finding one of those!


  1. That's a great picture of Naboo. I wonder if he rings the bell to signify that he's happy.

  2. not sure - it may be for attention, company, comfort, fun....

  3. True. He's probably figured out that humans pay more attention when he rings the bell.
