Saturday, August 22, 2015


Above is Curio in much the same pose as her hubs in the last post. Later on, her teenager was actively munching the bits of fallen bread I had put on the bird table. (The exact same bread the council guy said was too hard for birds to eat, ho hum... maybe he has never encountered homemade bread before?)

In other early-mid August news, Mr Black and Curio have been dashing about feeding 3-4 teenage birds and 1-2 baby robins have been born. 

Whilst clearing the wheelbarrows, coal bunker, mops, glass, plastic, iron poles, netting and other debris my father 'hoarded' in the back garden, Mr Bob ventured to swoop down every so often to grab bugs from the dirt I was disturbing. I know it was Mr Bob, as he had that same 'trust-just-a-little' look in his eye that he used to.

Young sparrows are also in abundance once more. I managed to grab a couple of pictures of Tapper and youngster on the tree. Here is the first.

HERE is the link to a song & HERE is the link to another - both bird songs. 


  1. Nice music. I think I've heard that Lene Lovich song just recently. :D

  2. Um yes - finding it gave me inspiration to fish out a couple songs to post to liven up the blog a little, seeings as i have not posted any videos for a while...
