Friday, August 14, 2015


I got a really clear shot of Bluey and a fairly good one of Naboo shortly after cloud-checking. I also took a second shot of the pigeon - just in case my first shot did not come out.

Back home, mid-July had less ravenous young birds scrabbling for food - though Curio and Mr Black ensured their mob of teens got their fair share and knew my windowsill was a food source. A squeak in the tree alerts me to the fact that a young dove or pigeon will be emerging shortly. The now teenage blackbirds are making appearances on the tree from time to time.

As July continued, another batch of baby blackbirds arrived on the scene. Early August brought a batch of blue tits, and the young starlings were a little quieter, but still present. The birds were a little less prominent as the months swapped, however.

I forgot to post the following photo previously - its back to the white beach pigeon that was chasing the others in the Worthing beach gang.


  1. Poor guy. Still lookin' for love.

    Those pictures of Bluey and Naboo are probably the best ones ever.

  2. lol, maybe for that trip.....should be seeing them again soon.
