Monday, August 24, 2015


Here is the better of the two shots of Tapper and youngster sparrow on my tree, observing food on the sill. Next up, a couple of shots of Beatie's young. Beatie and partner have a new brood all sorting out the bugs on my tree...

Recently, I took another hike up our local hill - Highdown Hill. One of the plaques I spotted up there mentioned birds, so of course I took a picture of it to share. Previously, though probably in my former blog that got wiped out, I posted several photos of skylarks that I took when wandering up Highdown.

After wandering around the gardens for a while, I sat down near the ponds to rest/take a drink of water. I heard a familiar noise - the wings of a wood pigeon or two landing in a nearby tree, then flapping wood pigeons as one chased another away...

Yes, I cannot see them either - but from the sound of their wings, that is where they were. To close today's post, I will share 2 photos of 'big black birds'. I can tell they are jackdaws if they have pretty silver eyes, and rooks if they live in the rookery tree, but otherwise, I cannot yet tell a crow from a raven from a rook from a....

HERE is a video of a dove courting a cat - um yes, really...


  1. I love that video. I always love seeing animals getting along when they are supposed to be enemies. :)

  2. exactly why i posted it.....!!!! just proves the had previous lives and were in love forevere 'before'...
