Friday, March 11, 2016


Back to my windowsill and Pidge, who was peeping in at me before munching seed. After a short while, something caught his eye...

...and he flew away. I am uncertain what it was, maybe another pigeon or a sound I had not myself heard. Next to the sill, to finish off the left behind seed, were a group of sparrows.

A couple sat in the tree observing, or waiting their turn, while a row of 4-5 sat on the sill munching - sticking their heads up and peeping in at me from time to time. Alas, I did not get a clear shot of a sparrow head...

Yes, we are back to pigeon poses again - although this shot is a little different to my usual ones. It shows a pair of wood pigeons rested upon the aeriel of the house across the road from me - and a flying bird in the distance.

I am assuming it to be a jackdaw, seagull or starling - but it might very well be a third pigeon. Talking of which, here are a pair on the sill - pecking at one another to get the best seed...


  1. Nice shot of the birds on the aerial. I wonder how that affects reception. :D

  2. no idea... not having a tv myself, i wouldnt be able to experiment to find out, either.
