Sunday, March 27, 2016


Oh look - what a surprise - it's a pigeon ! Actually, my next few shots are about a specific pigeon who paid me a sad farewell visit on Valentines' Day 2016. I glanced out at the pigeon sitting in my tree and dumped a pile of seed and suet food onto the sill for it. It didn't look too well and at first I assumed it was a bit battered by the winds and rain of late and in need of shelter and food.

The food definitely attracted this wood pigeon to my windowsill where I assumed it was eating - until I looked again.

It continued to keep its head bowed low, but there was none of the noise that generally accompanies such feeding activity in birds - such as the scuffling, pecking, fluttering... fact it barely moved. It tried to eat, but I now noticed that each time it pecked up a seed, the seed fell from its mouth. This is when I realized that there was something seriously wrong.

This VIDEO shows what I was seeing better than the photographs.


  1. Oh, that's really sad. He wants to eat, but he can't. :(

    I can guess what happened to him. :(

  2. yeah - the next post tells all...

  3. I meant to post 2-3 days ago....but the extraction instead of filling at the dentist put me out a bit, plus the new agency take over at work.... finally got the latest post up today - still have about a dozen written and ready to post......

  4. Yeah, you had a rough couple of weeks. :(

  5. more busy than rough, really - the past few weeks have been 'overfilled', lol.
