Friday, March 25, 2016


The last picture from my latest trip was taken a few stops along from the start of my ride home. The bus stopped to pick up more passengers nearby to a park - where my pigeon-eyed brain spotted a bunch of pigeons! They were busily tucking into some crumbs or seed that some kind pigeon-lover had left behind (not guilty THIS time)

Talking of pigeons - back home I had company! Somebody wanting some seed put out for them!

After the horrific changes in the yard next door, I was wondering what would become of another bird-friendly house in the immediate neighborhood now that the lady who had lived there had passed away and her husband gone into a home.

Sure enough, much of the bird-loving element has been removed. Firstly, the blue-tit nesting box was gone - making me glad I had not long ago erected a birdhouse myself, following the suggestion of my friend. Although a solitary bird feeder remains in situ at present, other items such as the bird table and bath appear to have also vanished.

In happier news, I managed to get a poor photo of the wren hopping about the rose arch in mid-February! While not a very clear picture, one can just about make out the species...


  1. That's a shame that another house has been stripped. I wonder if your next-door neighbors will decide to put a birdhouse or birdbath or something.
