Thursday, March 3, 2016


Here are another shot or two of Curio (and the starling) eating fallen pieces from the feeders. The ground might look more like summer-burnt grass than frosted, but I can assure you this photo was taken in an English winter, not an Australian summer!

Oh what a surprise - a pigeon picture, hee hee. Here is Pidge on the sill, peeping in to check I am not dangerous before tucking in to the seed.

January is in its last weekend as I write this blog - though it is more likely to be late February by the time I get to post it, as I have a backlog building up. The weather has remained more or less cold and the wet and windy weather has been back with us with just 1.5 sunny, still, dry days in between. The colder weather means hungrier birds.

The RSPB birdwatch was on. Most years I complete my entry on the first day - but this year I waited til the Sunday. My results were as follows:
8 starlings, 3 sparrows, 2 blackbirds, one magpie, wood pigeon, and blue-tit.


  1. That's a great picture of Pidge. His eyes are almost hypnotic.

  2. i would say surprised, alert, cautious, lol...
